Help Saim Jan Hear: A Christmas Miracle in the Making

Imagine a world without sound. This is the reality for two-year-old Saim Jan, a bright and curious little boy from Pakistan who was born completely deaf in both ears. For Saim Jan, a cochlear implant (CI) represents his only chance to hear the world around him and develop spoken language.
Unfortunately, the cost of this life-changing surgery in Pakistan is $13,000, a sum far beyond the reach of Saim Jan’s family. Neither the state nor insurance covers these expenses, leaving his parents with the overwhelming task of raising the funds themselves.
The urgency is clear: for the cochlear implant to be most effective, time is of the essence. The family has courageously decided to share their story, hoping to raise awareness and gather support. With your help, we can make a difference and perhaps even create a Christmas miracle for Saim Jan.
How You Can Help

A donation account has been set up through the Lehnhardt Foundation (, a trusted organization dedicated to helping individuals with hearing impairments. Every contribution, no matter the size, brings us one step closer to giving Saim Jan the gift of sound.
Donation Details
  • Recipient: Lehnhardt Stiftung
  • Purpose: Saim Jan
  • Volksbank Dreiländereck
  • IBAN: 97 6839 0000 0000 7585 31
Saim Jan’s father is currently studying in Würzburg, Germany, while his mother and son remain in Pakistan. Despite the challenges of being apart, the family is united in their determination to give Saim Jan a future filled with possibilities.
This Holiday Season, Give the Gift of Sound
In this season of giving, let us come together to make a profound impact on Saim Jan’s life. By contributing, you are not only helping a little boy hear for the first time—you are opening the door to a world of opportunities and hope.
Let’s work together to turn this dream into reality. Every donation counts. Thank you for your kindness and generosity.
Your support can make a world of difference.

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