Der große TagThe big dayThe big day

Erzählt von Klaus Gollnick, Juli 2015

AymanVier Wochen können eine lange Zeit sein, wenn man auf solch ein lebensveränderndes Ereignis wartet, wie es eine erste Anpassung jedesmal ist. Ayman’s Eltern hatten zwar schon mit der gesamten Familie und Freunden den glücklichen Ausgang der Operation gefeiert, aber die erste Anpassung, die Ayman in die Welt des Hörens bringen würde, war ein Ereignis, das mit nichts vergleichbar war, was sie bisher erlebt hatten.

Der 27. Mai 2015 war der große Tag, an dem die Anpassung im Ear Care Center in Khartoum vorgenommen wurde, und Ayman’s erste Reaktion, als er das erste Geräusch wahrnahm, war nichr verwunderlich- er fing an zu weinen, überwältigt von dem, was mit ihm geschah.

Zuhause wich dieses furchtsame Gefühl jedoch schnell der kindlichen Neugier. Die Eltern bemerkten mit Freude, dass er auf Geräusche gut reagierte und den Kopf zu jedem umdrehte, der versuchte ihn anzusprechen. Klitzekleine Schritte auf dem Weg zum vollen Hörvergnügen

Es scheint, dass Ayman’s Glückssträhne anhält.

Die Sprachtherapy hat nun für Ayman begonnen. Da das Therapiezentrum ziemlich weit von ihrem Zuhause entfernt ist und Ayman’s Vater den ganzen Tag arbeiten muß, was ihn daran hindert, seinen Sohn zu den Therapiesitzungen zu bringen , suchen die Eltern nach alternativen Lösungen.

Wir unterstützen sie bei der Suche nach solch einer Lösung, die eine intensive und erfolgreiche Therapie ermöglicht und gleichzeitig die örtlichen Gegebenheiten berücksichtigt.

AymanFour weeks can be a long time when you are waiting for such a life changing event as the first fitting always is. Ayman’s parents already celebrated with all family and friends the successful surgery, but the first fitting, which would bring Ayman into the world of hearing was an event not comparable to anything they had experienced before.

May 27,2015, was the big day when the fitting was done at the Ear Care Center in Khartoum and Ayman’s first reaction on recognizing the first sound was not surprising- he was crying overwhelmed by what was happening to him.

However, at home this scary feeling was quickly replaced by childlike curiosity. The parents realized with joy that he responded well to sound turning his head to any person who tried to call him. Tiny little first steps towards full hearing pleasure.

It seems as if Ayman’s lucky streak continues

Now the speech therapy for Ayman has started. As the therapy center is far away from at home and Ayman’s father has to work all day long, which prevents him from taking his son to the therapy sessions, the parents are looking for alternative solutions.

We are supporting the family in finding such a solution, which would provide intensive and successful therapy while considering the local circumstances.

Narrated by Klaus Gollnick, July 2015

AymanFour weeks can be a long time when you are waiting for such a life changing event as the first fitting always is. Ayman’s parents already celebrated with all family and friends the successful surgery, but the first fitting, which would bring Ayman into the world of hearing was an event not comparable to anything they had experienced before.

May 27,2015, was the big day when the fitting was done at the Ear Care Center in Khartoum and Ayman’s first reaction on recognizing the first sound was not surprising- he was crying overwhelmed by what was happening to him.

However, at home this scary feeling was quickly replaced by childlike curiosity. The parents realized with joy that he responded well to sound turning his head to any person who tried to call him. Tiny little first steps towards full hearing pleasure.

It seems as if Ayman’s lucky streak continues

Now the speech therapy for Ayman has started. As the therapy center is far away from at home and Ayman’s father has to work all day long, which prevents him from taking his son to the therapy sessions, the parents are looking for alternative solutions.

We are supporting the family in finding such a solution, which would provide intensive and successful therapy while considering the local circumstances.

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