This is a live recording (not yet edited) of presentations on the Development and Organisation of Rehabilitation in Germany held on March 19, 2021 by Monika Lehnhardt-Goriany and Yvonne Seebens upon invitation as sole European Lecturers at the international scientific and practical online seminar “Cochlear Implantation in Kazakhstan,” dedicated to the International Day of Cochlear Implantation organized by the Republican State Enterprise “The Scientific and Practical Center for Social Rehabilitation Development” of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the RK together with “Aksai” University Clinic of KazNMU named after Asfendiyarov.
Dr.Dr.h.c.Monika Lehnhardt-Goriany: «Стационарная реабилитация для детей с кохлеарным имплантом – долгосрочный концепт в Германии»
Stationäre Rehabilitation für Kinder mit Cochlear Implant – ein nachhaltiges Konzept in Deutschland
Yvonne Seebens: «Стационарная реабилитация для детей с кохлеарным имплантом – в Центре Кохлеарной Имплантации г.Рейн-Майн»
«Stationäre Rehabilitation für Kinder mit Cochlear Implant – im CIC Rhein-Main»
Therapiemodell Deutschland – Online Vorträge Monika Lehnhardt-Goriany / Yvonne Seebens