[:de]Bogdan wird heute nicht zur Schule gehen, vermutlich auch nicht in den nächsten Tagen und vielleicht sogar in den nächsten Wochen. Es ist nicht, dass er nicht möchte – er mag die Schule, seine Lehrer und seine Klassenkameraden. Bogdan ist taub, aber mit seinem Cochlear Implantat konnte er sehr gut hören und verstehen. Drei Jahre lang besuchte er eine Regelschule und er hatte beste Aussichten auf eine gute Weiterentwicklung auf eine höhere Ausbildung.
Aber sein Sprachprozessor (der externe Teil des Cochlear Implantat Systems) hörte auf zu funktionieren – Bogdan hat sein Gehör erneut verloren. Das ist noch viel schlimmer als taub geboren zu werden. Als Baby kannte er den Unterschied zwischen hörend und taub sein nicht. Jetzt, da er 11 Jahre alt ist und 8 Jahre lang gehört hat, eine hörende Familie und hörende Freunde hat, ist er verzweifelt. Er kann mit ihnen nicht mehr effektiv kommunizieren, er ist erneut in eine komplette Isolation gefallen.
Die Familie kann keinen neuen Sprachprozessor kaufen, die Regierung hat die Finanzierung von Cochlear Implantaten und allen notwendigen Ersatzteilen und Zubehör vor zwei Jahren eingestellt als die Krise mit Russland begann. Bogdan ist nur einer unter Hunderten von Kindern in der Ukraine, die sich in einer ähnlichen Situation befinden. Ihre einzige Hoffnung ist gespendete Sprachprozessoren von CI Trägern zu bekommen, die einen Upgrade Prozessor erhalten haben und ihren alten nicht mehr benötigen.
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Die Lehnhardt-Stiftung sammelt diese gebrauchten und nicht mehr benötigten Sprachprozessoren, der Hersteller – die Firma Cochlear – überprüft und repariert sie falls erforderlich. Mit Unterstützung lokaler Fachleute bekommen sie die Kinder in Not mit einer professionellen Anpassung und Rehabilitation.
Das ist für sie die einzige Möglichkeit aus der Welt der Stille in die Welt des Hörens zurückzukehren.
Daher: Spenden Sie bitte Ihren Sprachprozessor, den Sie nicht mehr brauchen!
Schenken Sie Kindern Gehör![:ru]
Bogdan will not go to school today and probably not for the next couple of days or even weeks.
It is not that he does not want to – he likes his school, his teachers and his classmates.
Bogdan is deaf but with his cochlear implant he could hear and understand very well. For three years he attended mainstream school and he had best chances to move on to a higher education level later on.
However, his speech processor (the external part of the cochlear implant system) stopped functioning – Bogdan lost his hearing again. This is even worse than having been born deaf. When he was a baby he did not know the difference between hearing and being deaf.
Now that he is 11 years old and has been hearing for 8 years with a hearing family and hearing friends he is desperate. He cannot effectively communicate with them any longer, he has fallen into isolation again.
The family cannot afford to buy a new speech processor, the government has stopped funding for cochlear implants and all the necessary spare parts and accessories two years ago when the crisis with Russia started. Bogdan is only one amongst hundreds of children in the Ukraine who are in a similar situation. Their only hope is to get a donated speech processor from a CI recipient, who got an upgrade speech processor and does not need her / his old one any longer.
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The Lehnhardt-Foundation is collecting these used products, which are not needed any longer, the manufacturer – company Cochlear – checks and repairs them, if required, and with the support of local professionals the children in need get them with the necessary fitting and rehabilitation.
This is for them the only feasible way to return from the world of silence.
Therefore, please donate your speech processor you do not need any longer!
Donate children the gift of hearing![:en]
Bogdan will not go to school today and probably not for the next couple of days or even weeks.
It is not that he does not want to – he likes his school, his teachers and his classmates.
Bogdan is deaf but with his cochlear implant he could hear and understand very well. For three years he attended mainstream school and he had best chances to move on to a higher education level later on.
However, his speech processor (the external part of the cochlear implant system) stopped functioning – Bogdan lost his hearing again. This is even worse than having been born deaf. When he was a baby he did not know the difference between hearing and being deaf.
Now that he is 11 years old and has been hearing for 8 years with a hearing family and hearing friends he is desperate. He cannot effectively communicate with them any longer, he has fallen into isolation again.
The family cannot afford to buy a new speech processor, the government has stopped funding for cochlear implants and all the necessary spare parts and accessories two years ago when the crisis with Russia started. Bogdan is only one amongst hundreds of children in the Ukraine who are in a similar situation. Their only hope is to get a donated speech processor from a CI recipient, who got an upgrade speech processor and does not need her / his old one any longer.
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The Lehnhardt-Foundation is collecting these used products, which are not needed any longer, the manufacturer – company Cochlear – checks and repairs them, if required, and with the support of local professionals the children in need get them with the necessary fitting and rehabilitation.
This is for them the only feasible way to return from the world of silence.
Therefore, please donate your speech processor you do not need any longer!
Donate children the gift of hearing![:]