Artikel ist in der Magazine “Usharik” publiziert
(for children and their parents, it is issued by the parent association “I hear the world!” since 2015)
10th February, 2020, an accident happened in the house of the family Ovechkiny — a fire completely destroyed all the property, but the most important, in this fire, the speech processor burned down, with which little Victoria could hear this world. Cochlear implantation was made to Natalia’s daughter in may 2019. After all, the girl began to understand speech, hear and enjoy sounds.
But, at the moment, the child can not hear anything. The family could not afford a new speech processor.
There is a state program that provides for its free replacement, but this is possible once every five years. In other words, waiting for four years, being in a world of silence, while simultaneously losing all the acquired skills in hearing rehabilitation, is too high price for a small person.
Victoria’s parents began to apply to various foundations and organizations with a request for support, but everywhere they were refused. However, this case did not leave indifferent two organizations whose main goal is to support families raising children with hearing loss.
United/Together, the Lehnhardt Foundation and the Association of the Parents “I hear the world!” did not stand aside and were able to support Victoria. As a result, the family purchased a new speech processor and all the necessary components so that the girl could hear again.
“The girl’s parents asked us for help. The situation for us is not standard. Often we deal with the loss of the processor or its spare parts. Here, the family immediately lost everything – says the head of the Parent Association ” I hear the world!» Dmitry Kulikov. – We, together with the Monika Lehnhardt, managed to help them. A new speech processor was purchased. Now we are preparing to transfer the processor to the family and agree with the clinic to set it up.
“The child lost her home – and this is tragic. – says Monika Lehnhardt – She also lost her speech processor which is also a drama and therefore we decided to help and arrange for a replacement. But she also lost books and toys which are instrumental für her personal development.
Our colleague, Marina Gureva from St. Petersburg will contact the family in order to find out what is the status of speech development of the girl and which books and toys will be suitable for her. We want to keep in touch with the family long-term and see how we can support them. “