Erzählt von Klaus Gollnick, Mai 2015
Dies ist die Geschichte des kleinen Ayman aus dem Sudan.
Mittlerweile ist Ayman 3 1/2 Jahre alt und lebt mit seinen Eltern und drei Geschwistern im Aussenbezirk der nordsudanesischen Hauptstadt Khartoum. Als er 2 Jahre alt war, wurde bei ihm bei einer Untersuchung in einer HNO Klinik in Khartoum beidseitige Taubheit diagnostiziert, ein Schicksal, das er mit vielen Kinder auch im Sudan teilte.
Für jede Familie ist solch eine Diagnose ein schwerer Schlag, der noch schwerer wiegt, wenn einem die Möglichkeiten, Abhilfe zu schaffen, weitestgehend genommen sind, nicht nur wegen der fehlenden Infrastruktur im eigenen Land, sondern besonders wegen der fehlenden finanziellen Ressourcen. Die Empfehlung und der Wunsch, Ayman mit einem Hörimplantat zu versorgen, erschienen unerfüllbar zu bleiben.
Aber Ayman hatte Glück.
Nach langer Suche, eine Möglichkeit für eine derartige Versorgung zu finden, mit vielen Kontakten zu zahlreichen Firmen im Sudan, in Europa und Asien, an die Ayman’s Diagnosebericht geschickt wurde, stieß sein Vater auf der Internetplattform Facebook auf unsere Stiftung, die Prof. Ernst Lehnhardt Stiftung. Er nahm Kontakt auf zu Frau Dr. Lehnhardt, die sich ohne Zögern zur Hilfe bereit erklärte.
Denn wir machen keinen Unterschied bei Wohnort, Nationalität, religiöser Zugehörigkeit oder Hautfarbe. Bei uns steht das Schicksal des Kindes im Mittelpunkt.
Also lief nach unserer Zusage wieder einmal die ‘Hilfsmaschinerie’ an, die sich im Wesentlichen auf die Organisation der erforderlichen Operation und Rehabilitation, das Bereitstellen der benötigten finanziellen Mittel für alle damit verbundenen Kosten einschließlich für ein geeignetes Hörimplantat, der größte Posten im engbegrenzten Budget, konzentriert, sowie auf die Betreuung der Eltern vor der Operation und während der Therapiephase danach.
Dank der großzügigen finanziellen Unterstützung durch die Hilfsorganisation “Ein Herz für Kinder” konnte ein Cochlea Implantat System der Firma Cochlear gekauft und damit der Hauptanteil der Kosten abgedeckt werden.
Schwieriger gestaltete sich jedoch die Organisation der erforderlichen Operation. Da es keine geeignete Chirurgen im Sudan für einen derartigen Eingriff gibt, mußten wir nach Möglichkeiten in anderen Ländern suchen, vorzugsweise in Nachbarstaaten.
Der Kontakt zu einem HNO Chirurgen in den VAE , der zu der Zeit zwischen Krankenhäusern in Dubai, Katar und Jordanien pendelte und sich bereit erklärte , kostenlos zu operieren, erwies sich nach anfänglicher Euphorie als zu kompliziert. Die Koordinierung zwischen seiner Verfügbarkeit, den Reisemöglichkeiten von Ayman und seinen Eltern, dazu die Einschränkungen bei der Bereitstellung von Visa für die Familie, belastete die Vorbereitungen sehr stark und gefährdete einen zeitnahen Operationstermin.
Schließlich mußte diese Lösung abgebrochen werden, um nicht noch mehr Zeit zu verlieren.
Aber Ayman hatte Glück.
Der Kontakt zu Dr. Mondy Hammad aus Dubai, der durch die Mitwirkung des dortigen Büros der Firma Cochlear zustande kam, erwies sich als Glückstreffer.
Dr. Hammad, ein Spezialist für derartige Eingriffe, erklärte sich nicht nur sofort bereit, die Operation kostenfrei durchzuführen, sondern konnte sogar anbieten, sie im Rahmen eines Gasttermines im Al Doha Hospital in Khartoum vorzunehmen, wo er für 4 Tage eine Reihe von Operationen innerhalb des folgenden Monats geplant hatte.
Dieser glückliche Umstand ersparte der Familie den Stress einer anstrengenden Reise und eines zweiwöchigen Aufenthaltes in einem anderen Land. Darüber hinaus wurde das Budget weiter entlastet.
Am 22. April 2015 traf Dr. Hammad in Khartoum ein, am frühen Nachmittag des darauf folgenden Tages wurde Ayman operiert. Die anschließenden Messungen durch einen Techniker bestätigte den Erfolg des Eingriffes. Drei Tage später wurde Ayman aus dem Krankenhaus entlassen.
Seither ist der Heilungsprozess der Operationswunde weit fortgeschritten. Vier Wochen nach der OP soll der Termin für die erste Anpassung des Sprachprozessors erfolgen.
Dann kann auch für den kleinen Ayman das neue Leben in der Welt des Hörens beginnen.
Und seine Glückssträhne hält sicherlich an.
Ich freue mich, auch über diese weitere Entwicklung zu berichten.
Klaus GollnickNarrated by Klaus Gollnick, May 2015
This is the story of little Ayman from Sudan.
Meanwhile, Ayman is 3 1/2 years old and lives with his parents and three siblings in the outskirts of the Northern Sudanese capital of Khartoum. When he was 2 years old, during an investigation at an ENT hospital in Khartoum he was diagnosed with bilateral deafness, a fate he shared with many children in Sudan. For each family, such a diagnosis is a serious blow, which weighs even heavier, if possibilities to remedy this, are basically taken away from you, not only due to the lack of infrastructure in their own country, but especially because of the lack of financial resources. The recommendation and the desire to provide Ayman, a hearing implant appeared to remain unfulfilled.
But Ayman was lucky.
After a long search to find a way for such care sending Ayman’s health report to many organizations and companies in Sudan, Europe and Asia his father on the Internet platform Facebook met our foundation, the Prof. Ernst Lehnhardt Foundation.
He contacted Dr. Lehnhardt, who agreed without hesitation to help.
Because we make no difference in place of residence, nationality, religious affiliation, or skin colour.
With us is the fate of the child at the centre.
So, after committing ourselves our ‘help machinery’ was launched once again in January 2015 mainly focusing on organizing the required surgery and rehabilitation and on providing the financial resources required for all related expenses including for an appropriate hearing implant, the biggest item in the budget, but also on the care of the parents before the operation and during the therapy phase thereafter.
Thanks to the generous financial support by the help organization “Ein Herz für Kinder” a cochlear implant system could be bought from the company Cochlear.
The organization of the necessary surgery, however, turned out to be more difficult. As there are no suitable surgeons in Sudan for such an operation, we had to search for opportunities in other countries, preferably in neighbouring states. The contact to an ENT surgeon in the UAE, who at that time was cruising between hospitals in Dubai, Qatar and Jordan and even agreed to operate free of charge, proved after the initial euphoria, to be too complicated.
The coordination between his availability, the travel possibilities for Ayman and his parents as well as the restrictions in providing visa for the family were heavily burdening the preparations and jeopardizing an early date for the surgery.
Finally, this solution had to be cancelled for not to lose any more time.
But Ayman was lucky.
The contact to Dr. Mondy Hammad from Dubai, which came about through the involvement of the Dubai office of the company Cochlear proved to lucky strike. Dr. Hammad, specialized in such kind of surgeries agreed spontaneously not only on performing the operation also free of charge, but even offered to perform the surgery at the Al Doha Hospital in Khartoum in the framework of a guest appointment at that hospital, where he had planned a series of operations for 4 days during the following month.
This happy circumstance spared the family the stress of a hard journey and a two-weeks stay in another country. In addition, it was again easing the budget.
On April 22, 2015 Dr. Hammad arrived in Khartoum, in the early afternoon of the following day Ayman was operated. The subsequent measurements by a technician confirmed the success of the operation. Three days later, Ayman was released from the hospital.
Since then, the healing process of the wound is well advanced.
The date for the first fitting of the speech processor is scheduled to take place four weeks after the surgery.
After that also for little Ayman the new life in the world of hearing can begin.
And his lucky streak will certainly continue.
I am looking forward to report about this development as well.Narrated by Klaus Gollnick, May 2015
This is the story of little Ayman from Sudan.
Meanwhile, Ayman is 3 1/2 years old and lives with his parents and three siblings in the outskirts of the Northern Sudanese capital of Khartoum. When he was 2 years old, during an investigation at an ENT hospital in Khartoum he was diagnosed with bilateral deafness, a fate he shared with many children in Sudan. For each family, such a diagnosis is a serious blow, which weighs even heavier, if possibilities to remedy this, are basically taken away from you, not only due to the lack of infrastructure in their own country, but especially because of the lack of financial resources. The recommendation and the desire to provide Ayman, a hearing implant appeared to remain unfulfilled.
But Ayman was lucky.
After a long search to find a way for such care sending Ayman’s health report to many organizations and companies in Sudan, Europe and Asia his father on the Internet platform Facebook met our foundation, the Prof. Ernst Lehnhardt Foundation.
He contacted Dr. Lehnhardt, who agreed without hesitation to help.
Because we make no difference in place of residence, nationality, religious affiliation, or skin colour.
With us is the fate of the child at the centre.
So, after committing ourselves our ‘help machinery’ was launched once again in January 2015 mainly focusing on organizing the required surgery and rehabilitation and on providing the financial resources required for all related expenses including for an appropriate hearing implant, the biggest item in the budget, but also on the care of the parents before the operation and during the therapy phase thereafter.
Thanks to the generous financial support by the help organization “Ein Herz für Kinder” a cochlear implant system could be bought from the company Cochlear.
The organization of the necessary surgery, however, turned out to be more difficult. As there are no suitable surgeons in Sudan for such an operation, we had to search for opportunities in other countries, preferably in neighbouring states. The contact to an ENT surgeon in the UAE, who at that time was cruising between hospitals in Dubai, Qatar and Jordan and even agreed to operate free of charge, proved after the initial euphoria, to be too complicated.
The coordination between his availability, the travel possibilities for Ayman and his parents as well as the restrictions in providing visa for the family were heavily burdening the preparations and jeopardizing an early date for the surgery.
Finally, this solution had to be cancelled for not to lose any more time.
But Ayman was lucky.
The contact to Dr. Mondy Hammad from Dubai, which came about through the involvement of the Dubai office of the company Cochlear proved to lucky strike. Dr. Hammad, specialized in such kind of surgeries agreed spontaneously not only on performing the operation also free of charge, but even offered to perform the surgery at the Al Doha Hospital in Khartoum in the framework of a guest appointment at that hospital, where he had planned a series of operations for 4 days during the following month.
This happy circumstance spared the family the stress of a hard journey and a two-weeks stay in another country. In addition, it was again easing the budget.
On April 22, 2015 Dr. Hammad arrived in Khartoum, in the early afternoon of the following day Ayman was operated. The subsequent measurements by a technician confirmed the success of the operation. Three days later, Ayman was released from the hospital.
Since then, the healing process of the wound is well advanced.
The date for the first fitting of the speech processor is scheduled to take place four weeks after the surgery.
After that also for little Ayman the new life in the world of hearing can begin.
And his lucky streak will certainly continue.
I am looking forward to reporting about this development as well.