Wir spenden ukrainischen Kindern Gehör!
Kinder, Jugendliche und Erwachsene aus der Ukraine haben Ersatzteile für Sprachprozessoren (Kabel, Spulen, Batterien, Akkus, Mikrofonfilter, Trockenboxe und Magneten usw.) und ref. Hörgeräten erhalten. Einige Ersatzteile wurden an diejenigen verschickt, die vorübergehend in Polen leben. Die Lieferung von Deutschland in die Ukraine erfolgte durch eine humanitäre Hilfsorganisation „Oranta-helps e.V.“, Versand und Verteilung dieser Spenden innerhalb des Landes wurde durch Elternorganisation “Schnecke in der Hand” organisiert.
Alle Familien sagen Dankeschön an die Lehnhardt Stiftung, großzügige Spender und die, die Lieferungen ermöglicht haben.
*übersetzt mit google translate
„Es ist sehr gut, dass es so eine Stiftung und so tolle Menschen wie Sie gibt!“
„Unserer SP hatte ein Batteriefach mit drei Batterien. Es war kaputt und mein Junge hat es nicht wirklich gemocht, ich denke, es war schwer zu tragen, unter dem Haken war eine Delle. Maxim hat das Geschenk bereits anprobiert ❤️Vielen Dank!!!“
„Toll, für das Batteriefach und die Spule, den unteren Haken und den oberen Haken. Mein Sohn ist sehr zufrieden, seine zwei Ohren können wieder hören. !!!!????????❤️????“
„Ich bin Anastasia, eine CI-Träger seit 11 Jahren))) Danke für die Hilfe????“
„Natalia. Stadt Dnipro. Vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe: Mikrofone für den SP von Med-el. Eine solche Unterstützung ist unbedingt notwendig, damit wir es spüren, hören, hoffen können. ????????“
„Ich bedanke mich sehr für die Spule???? Batterien und den Filter am Prozessor. Das ist sehr wertvolle Hilfe! Danke sehr für alle, mit denen man rechnen muss!“
„Du hast mir sehr geholfen, denn die Angst war wahnsinnig, wieder taub zu sein. "Im Dezember ist der SP 4 Jahre, die Anpassung war im Februar 2020.“
„Ich danke Ihnen ganz herzlich für die rechtzeitige und dringend benötigte Hilfe von Ihrer Stiftung. Ich danke Ihnen aufrichtig für Ihre gleichgültige und sensible Haltung gegenüber den Problemen der Menschen. Ich wünsche die Stiftung Wohlstand und Erfolg!!!! Danke auch an Lyuba Volovik für ihre Arbeit und Hilfe, sie ist sehr verantwortungsbewusst und freundlich.“
„Großer Dank an die Lehnhardt Stiftung für Kabel und Akku!“
„Danke an die Lehnhardt Stiftung!!! Für die Ersatzteile zu einem Cochlea-Implantat und 2 Akkus, ohne Kosten !!! Nochmal vielen Dank!!!!!“
„Danke an die Lehnhardt Stiftung für Akku und Kabel.“
“Sie haben das Kind glücklich gemacht…vielen Dank, das Kind kann wieder hören.”
Stella: one of my life goals
Dear Monika Lehnhardt, it’s Stella, I’m writing this letter to convey to you my gratitude. I’m really happy to have this chance, this greatest opportunity, honestly I had given up hope by then, but yeah nothing is impossible in this world.
I went to Gayane for a hearing aid fitting yesterday, here is the photo ( my mom took it).
Everything is pretty good, I know all the functions of this model, and I watched a video about how to connect it to my phone, it works great. There are such sayings : “There are no coincidences in this world” and “Nothing happens for no reason”, many people many relatives think it’s a tragedy I lost my hearing ability, but you know I guess it’s great, I don’t know why, I just feel so, I’m not unhappy about it, of course sometimes it’s uncomfortable, “deafness separate people from people” it’s a fact, but I’m still glad . I’m also studying sign language. I want to be closer to the world of the deaf, to understand people who have no opportunity to hear, who communicate in sign language, to help them in the future. This is one of my life goals. So yeah, I’m really thankful, you are a great person, helping people is one of the hardest work, I sincerely wish you all the best that can happen to you
Farruch’s hearing birthday
On December 5th, 2021 Farruch had his 8th hearing birthday and sends his thanks to everyone who helped “Thank you, I can hear!”
WORLD NEWS – THE LEHNHARDT FOUNDATION – Charity projects under Corona conditions
Publikation in EURO-CIU December 2020
The Corona crisis is having a profound effect on all areas of life as we are all experiencing.
We at the Lehnhardt Foundation also had to learn that the otherwise not easy handling of charity projects for deaf children who are supposed to receive a hearing implant did not become easier during this time. Moreover, if these affected children coming from non-European countries are to be provided with a CI system in Germany, the task becomes even more complex under these conditions.
Liza is getting access to better hearing – despite the Coronapandemic
This article was published in the EURO-CIU newsletter in June 2020
Regardless of the exceptionally challenging circumstances, caused by the Coronapandemic, which also affected CI recipients and candidates all over the world, wecould help Lize in the Ukraine to get her CI within a rather short time.We “met” Liza ́s mother Jana 5 months ago “Online“ and she convinced us about theurgency to support her daughter to get access to better hearing: Liza does not onlysuffer from bilateral severe hearing loss, she is also nearly blind.We collected all the necessary documents (medical / audiological / CT, MRT and adescription of the financial situation of the family as well as the social environment),translated and submitted them to potential sponsors in Germany.
Mein Junge sagt selbstbewusst das lang ersehnte “Mama”
Ich heiße Irina, ich bin 35 Jahre alt und Mutter von drei Kindern. Ich möchte mit Ihnen meine kleine Lebensgeschichte und die großen Erfolge teilen…
Mein mittlerer Sohn Artur ist ein “besonderer” Junge. Es hat sich so ergeben, dass er völlig blind und stark schwerhörig ist – mit einfachen, verständlichen Worten, er ist ein taubblinder Junge!
Als ich von der Diagnose meines Sohnes erfuhr, geriet ich wie jede Mutter in Panik und Verzweiflung… “Wie? …Warum ausgerechnet mein Sohn?? …” – Diese Fragen hörte ich ständig in meinem Kopf… Ich muss ehrlich sagen, es ist sehr schwer, diesen Fakt zu akzeptieren und zu verstehen… Aber darum geht es nicht…
Artur unterzog sich zahlreichen Untersuchungen und Augenoperationen… – und das war’s… – die endgültige Diagnose: “Dunkelheit”…
Aber nicht sehen und nicht hören… WIE? WIE LEBEN? WAS TUN?…
When I landed at the airport in the Bangladeshi capital Dhaka on January 22, 2019, Shakira’s father was waiting for me and welcomed me together with Shakira and her sister Jasmine, both with flowers in their hands. Her friendly, open smile did not disappoint that Shakira prudently appraised me first. When I thanked her for the flowers and asked her in English how she was doing, she politely replied “I am fine”. This initial shyness, however, came off very quickly when I was sitting in the back seat of the car with the two girls on the way to town and we started playing together.
If you did not know, you would not have noticed that Shakira was a CI recipient. Her vivacious nature, her uninterrupted talk with her sister on Bengali, her spontaneous response when addressed, in no way indicated this fact.
When I first met Shakira, she had been a 10-week-old baby and now, 10 years later, a self-confident girl with a beaming smile was sitting next to me, celebrating her 10th birthday the next day, which she was obviously looking forward to it.
Arriving home, I realized very quickly that Shakira, in her lively way, kept the whole family busy as long as she was not ‘floating’ around the apartment, singing and dancing. She was the living proof of a successful integration into the family after conquering the congenital deafness and I enjoyed this condition very much. In a later conversation with the parents, we recalled the time before receiving the CI at the age of three and the liberation for Shakira and her family when Shakira finally could hear and started catching up learning how to speak.
The birthday party was very joyful and when I, as a guest and as it is tradition, got a piece of the birthday cake shovelled into my mouth by the birthday girl, I also felt integrated. My conversation with Shakira went smoothly. Her English vocabulary was not yet enough to allow for a longer conversation, but her sister was always within reach to help out when Shakira spilled on me in her mother tongue, and I got the impression that there she did not have any lack of enough vocabulary.
This is all the more pleasing as Shakira goes to a ‘normal’ school, which ,however, places value on inclusion. Her class teacher, whom I met while visiting Shakira's school, was very fond of her student with a hearing implant being that eager to learn. Thanks to the fact that
classes with a maximum of 12 children are kept relatively small, the teacher makes it possible to successfully integrate such handicapped children into the class and to take their personal learning needs into account. I had the feeling that Shakira was in good hands with this teacher and the learning success confirmed that.
I do not know when the next reunion will take place. Fortunately, the digital connection will bridge the gap in time and give me the opportunity to continue sharing in Shakira’s marvellous development.
Klaus Gollnick
Danilkin Alyosha: return to the world of sounds
Good evening, dear Monica!
My name is Danilkina Olga and I live in Ukraine, Kiev.
I have two sons and the elder son Alexey, 22, was born with a handicap. He taught us a lot and helped us to understand a lot. We try to solve his hearing problems and constantly get to know wonderful people and you are one of those. Yesterday we received from you the most coveted and most necessary gift – the sound processor! Today the device has been successfully adopted. Next week we will have all the necessary adjustments made and Alyosha will be able return to the world of sounds, music and communication.
Our hearing aid is more than 6 years old already – it was adjusted in April 2012 and for more than one and a half years Alyosha has not been able to hear. The chances of getting such a hearing aid from the state are there, but so far very unrealistic: Maybe in March 2019 or may be in August. Alyosha is already a grown man and the fact that he is completely dependent on the device gets on his nerves. He tries to find solutions, and the unclear situation with the current hearing aid has brought him into such a sad mood, that he has already regretted the operation, and he has been afraid that the whole thing is going to be the same again 5-6 years later. It is possible for us to solve the problem here in Kiev, but in this case we would have to go such a long way – for example, pay for the device ourselves.
I am writing this to let you know that you helped us solve the problem. Not only did you send Alyosha the device, but you also gave my son a chance to hear again without any problem. The problem that took us so many efforts and time has been now successfully solved with your help. You gave us time to wait for the device and finally get it.
Monika, we are sincerely grateful for your participation and your desire to help! Thank you for having noticed our problems and big thanks for your help.If you have any problems and I can help you in some way- please contact me. I will do my best to help you!
I am very grateful.
Danilkina Olga