
We had a reunion !
When I landed at the airport in the Bangladeshi capital Dhaka on January 22, 2019, Shakira’s father was waiting for me and welcomed me together with Shakira and her sister Jasmine, both with flowers in their hands. Her friendly, open smile did not disappoint that Shakira prudently appraised me first. When I thanked her for the flowers and asked her in English how she was doing, she politely replied “I am fine”. This initial shyness, however, came off very quickly when I was sitting in the back seat of the car with the two girls on the way to town and we started playing together.
If you did not know, you would not have noticed that Shakira was a CI recipient. Her vivacious nature, her uninterrupted talk with her sister on Bengali, her spontaneous response when addressed, in no way indicated this fact.
When I first met Shakira, she had been a 10-week-old baby and now, 10 years later, a self-confident girl with a beaming smile was sitting next to me, celebrating her 10th birthday the next day, which she was obviously looking forward to it.
Arriving home, I realized very quickly that Shakira, in her lively way, kept the whole family busy as long as she was not ‘floating’ around the apartment, singing and dancing. She was the living proof of a successful integration into the family after conquering the congenital deafness and I enjoyed this condition very much. In a later conversation with the parents, we recalled the time before receiving the CI at the age of three and the liberation for Shakira and her family when Shakira finally could hear and started catching up learning how to speak.
The birthday party was very joyful and when I, as a guest and as it is tradition, got a piece of the birthday cake shovelled into my mouth by the birthday girl, I also felt integrated. My conversation with Shakira went smoothly. Her English vocabulary was not yet enough to allow for a longer conversation, but her sister was always within reach to help out when Shakira spilled on me in her mother tongue, and I got the impression that there she did not have any lack of enough vocabulary.
This is all the more pleasing as Shakira goes to a ‘normal’ school, which ,however, places value on inclusion. Her class teacher, whom I met while visiting Shakira's school, was very fond of her student with a hearing implant being that eager to learn. Thanks to the fact that
classes with a maximum of 12 children are kept relatively small, the teacher makes it possible to successfully integrate such handicapped children into the class and to take their personal learning needs into account. I had the feeling that Shakira was in good hands with this teacher and the learning success confirmed that.
I do not know when the next reunion will take place. Fortunately, the digital connection will bridge the gap in time and give me the opportunity to continue sharing in Shakira’s marvellous development.


Klaus Gollnick

CI for Angel changed life in our home

Angel, Uganda

I wish to thank you so much for the support towards my daughters implant.  It has changed life in our home with happiness.

We are able to communicate which was not there before.  Angel is full of life, stress free because she can express herself.  Thank you so much for i cannot thank you enough.
I would also like to take this opportunity to share with you Angel’s amazing progress. Angel now has over 100 words as you can watch in the video.
Looking forward to continued communication.
Justine Lubanga


English Version- sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet.

Danilkin Alyosha: return to the world of sounds

Good evening, dear Monica!

 My name is Danilkina Olga and I live in Ukraine, Kiev.

 I have two sons and the elder son Alexey, 22, was born with a handicap. He taught us a lot and helped us to understand a lot. We try to solve his hearing problems and constantly get to know wonderful people and you are one of those. Yesterday we received from you the most coveted and most necessary gift – the sound processor! Today the device has been successfully adopted. Next week we will have all the necessary adjustments made and Alyosha will be able return to the world of sounds, music and communication.

Our hearing aid is more than 6 years old already – it was adjusted in April 2012 and for more than one and a half years Alyosha has not been able to hear. The chances of getting such a hearing aid from the state are there, but so far very unrealistic: Maybe in March 2019 or may be in August. Alyosha is already a grown man and the fact that he is completely dependent on the device gets on his nerves. He tries to find solutions, and the unclear situation with the current hearing aid has brought him into such a sad mood, that he has already regretted the operation, and he has been afraid that the whole thing is going to be the same again 5-6 years later. It is possible for us to solve the problem here in Kiev, but in this case we would have to go such a long way – for example, pay for the device ourselves.

I am writing this to let you know that you helped us solve the problem. Not only did you send Alyosha the device, but you also gave my son a chance to hear again without any problem. The problem that took us so many efforts and time has been now successfully solved with your help. You gave us time to wait for the device and finally get it.

Monika, we are sincerely grateful for your participation and your desire to help! Thank you for having noticed our problems and big thanks for your help.If you have any problems and I can help you in some way- please contact me. I will do my best to help you!

I am very grateful.

Danilkina Olga




Upgrade Freedom SP – Initiative 2019 Ukraine

Substitute this text by en translation

Einladung an Eltern von Kindern mit einem Freedom Sprachprozessor,

Wir starten eine Initiative, um sie bei Problemen mit dem Freedom SP oder Esprit zu beraten und mit einem günstigen Upgrade zu helfen. Durch eine Spende haben wir mehrere gebrauchte N5 zur Verfügung.

Melden sie bitte rasch  Ihr Interesse im Kommentarfeld unter dieser Einladung an. Beschreiben sie bitte auch ihre Situation und Probleme. Wir kontaktieren sie dann zum weiteren Vorgehen.

Sie erhalten auch eine Einladung zu persönlichen Gesprächen mit Dr.Monika Lehnhardt und Team  im Live Online Raum ab dem 20.1.2019.

Dr. Monika Lehnhardt Vorsitzende Lehnhardt Stiftung

Profil Ernst Lehnhardt

Ernst Lehnhardt 1Ernst Lehnhardt wurde am 26.04.1924 in Crivitz, Mecklenburg geboren. Er besuchte das Humanistische Gymnasium und absolvierte seinen Militärdienst 1941-1945. Nach dem Studium der Medizin und Zahnmedizin promovierte er in Medizin in Kiel 1950 und in Zahnmedizin in Rostock 1953. Die Habilitation für Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde folgte in 1959. 

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Profil PD Dr. Astrid Magele

Persönliche Daten:
Geburtsdatum: 16. Mai 1977
Geburtsort: Wolfsberg, Kärnten, Austria

1983-1987 Volksschule St. Johann, Kärnten, Austria
1987-1991 Stiftsgymnasium St. Paul, Kärnten, Austria
1991-1996 BBA f. Kindergartenpädagogik, Klagenfurt, Austria
1996-2003 Studium der Medizin, Universität Wien, Dissertation: Herz-, Thoraxchirurgie, AKH Wien, “Survival in patients with non-small cell lung cancer after induction-chemotherapy”
Mai 2006 Diplom für Allgemeinmedizin
Sept. 2012 Facharzt für Hals-, Nasen- und Ohrenheilkunde
Okt.2016 Habilitation zur Privat-Dozentin an der Universitätsklinik Innsbruck

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