Stella: one of my life goals

Dear Monika Lehnhardt, it’s Stella, I’m writing this letter to convey to you my gratitude. I’m really happy to have this chance, this greatest opportunity, honestly I had given up hope by then, but yeah nothing is impossible in this world.

  I went to Gayane for a hearing aid fitting yesterday, here is the photo  ( my mom took it).

 Everything is pretty good, I know all the functions of this model, and I watched a video about how to connect it to my phone, it works great. There are such sayings : “There are no coincidences in this world” and “Nothing happens for no  reason”, many people many relatives think it’s a tragedy I lost my hearing ability, but you know I guess it’s great, I don’t know why, I just feel so, I’m not unhappy about it, of course sometimes it’s uncomfortable, “deafness separate people from people” it’s a fact, but I’m still glad .  I’m also studying sign language. I want to be closer to the world of the deaf, to understand people who have no opportunity to hear, who communicate in sign language, to help them in the future. This is one of my life goals.  So yeah, I’m really thankful, you are a great person, helping people is one of the hardest work, I sincerely wish you all the best that can happen to you

WORLD NEWS – THE LEHNHARDT FOUNDATION – Charity projects under Corona conditions

Publikation in EURO-CIU December 2020

The Corona crisis is having a profound effect on all areas of life as we are all experiencing.

We at the Lehnhardt Foundation also had to learn that the otherwise not easy handling of charity projects for deaf children who are supposed to receive a hearing implant did not become easier during this time.  Moreover, if these affected children coming from non-European countries are to be provided with a CI system in Germany, the task becomes even more complex under these conditions.


Ende gut, alles gut

Wie schwierig es ist, ein Kind in Coronazeiten mit einem CI System zu versorgen, kann man sich sicherlich vorstellen. Wenn aber Mutter und Tochter bei dem entscheidenen Covid 19 Test, der für das Betreten der Klinik erforderlich ist, beide positiv getestet werden, greift der gesamte Sicherheitsmechanismus der Coronaauflagen und wirft alle vorgesehenen Termine für Vorbereitungen und OP total durcheinander. Das passierte der fünfjährigen Lika und ihrer Mutter, die aus Eriwan nach Deutschland gekommen waren, um die kleine Lika im KMG Klinikum in Güstrow durch den Chefarzt der HNO Abteilung, Prof. Tino Just, mit einem CI System versorgen zu lassen.


Einen Turban für Rafayel

Sie sehen alle so nach der OP aus, mit einem weißen Turban versehen. Diese OP war lange herbeigesehnt und durch die besonderen Umstände  in der Coronakrise nicht einfach zu organisieren. Es mußten die finanziellen Mittel besorgt werden,  die aus einer großzügigen Spende der deutschen Hilfsorganisation “Ein Herz für Kinder” stammte und einer Spendenaktion auf Facebook, die fast ausschließlich von armenischen Landsleuten getragen wurde.

Denn Rafayel ist Armenier aus Eriwan, wird am 7.November 2020 vier Jahre alt und kann mittlerweile hören.
Es war nicht einfach, einen Flug nach Deutschland zu bekommen, man mußte sich kurzfristig entscheiden, und auch die Erteilung des Visums war durch die Coronaauflagen nicht wie sonst. Dazu kam die permanente Abstimmung mit der Klinik wegen des OP Termins.


[:de]We are the Poltorakins[:ru]Мы – семья Полторакиных[:en]We are the Poltorakins[:]

[:de]Egor Poltorakin 4

and we live in Berdychiv in the Zhytomyr region. Four years ago we couldn’t be happier when our long-expected son, little Yegor, was born.

From infancy our son developed fast, gained in height and weight, learned to hold his head, and with one year of age he was already walking. At 1.5 years old Yegor spoke few but distinct words: ‘mama’, ‘am’, ‘come’.

But when our son was two, we suddenly noticed he did not respond to sound. In the ENT Institute in Kiev we had an audiogram made and were given a computer examination. We were told that his hearing was within the normal range, that it must be speech delay that a speech therapist should help with. Back home the very next day, we saw the expert, who advised that we send our son to nursery to give him more exposure to speech. However, as we saw no progress from that, we decided to go for diagnostics once again. And only then, after a thorough examination, we were given the sad news that Yegor suffered from bilateral sensorineural deafness and speech delay. Every passing day only made the problem worse.

From the age of two Yegor visited a general kindergarten, where he behaved like the inquisitive and intelligent boy that heEgor Poltorakin 5 was; getting along well with other children and impressing teachers with his determination. However, soon we changed from this kindergarten to one for hard of hearing and deaf children. We used hearing aids, but they were of very little help. Our only hope lay in cochlear implantation – without it, Yegor could not hear, and so would never learn to speak. However, time was running short, as Yegor was already almost four years old, and the best age for CI is between 2 and 4. We promptly applied for the state cochlear implantation program, and were put into the waiting queue under number 82. Unluckily for us, the program had run out of implants, and state funding had been stopped. We asked distributor companies for a quotation on the implant system, and the bill came to UAH 609000. Unfortunately, we didn’t have the money, so we turned to charities, but the only thing they could do was commiserate. We also applied to the Ministry of Healthcare, where we were told that the program was still running de jure, but in fact there was no financial backing to it, and it was unclear when more implants would be available.

Egor Poltorakin 2

We went about collecting money, all the time dreaming, like all parents do, of a full life for our son where he could hear the tender voice of his mother and learn to talk. But there is still much goodness in the world: the family Batyr, parents of a little girl with a condition like Yegor’s, gave us the contact details of Anastasiia Flanagan, who is a Consultant for Cochlear and translator for Dr. Monika Lehnhardt. She advised that we turn to the Ernst Lehnhardt Foundation, and Director Monika Lehnhardt immediately set out to help us.

We were told that the Foundation was running a charity program – and we were offered a Cochlear Freedom sound processor for free!!! Apart from this support, they gave us a lot of help psychologically by explaining that it wasn’t so bad, that if we got a CI on time and had therapy with our son, he would learn to hear and also speak well. This charity project, which is implemented by the Foundation with support from Cochlear and private donations, gave us the free processor and enabled us to buy a cochlear implant at a discounted price. Anastasiia transferred it directly into the hands of surgeon Dr., Prof. Oleg Borysenko, who then performed the surgery – implantation of a cochlear implant – on November 11th 2015.

In another month, the team of Monika Lehnhardt, supported by Dmitry Zayika, sent our sound processor to the office of the company VABOS in Kyiv, Berlinskoho Str. 9. On December 7th Yegor had his switch-on!Egor Poltorakin 1

Our son was so surprised in that first instant that he heard sound! He couldn’t understand what was happening. Today is the third day we are wearing our processor, and I am overwhelmed with joy when Yegor runs up to me asking to put back the coil that had fallen off the implant, pleading with his eyes ‘Mommy, I want to hear the world!’

All the Poltorakin family would like to express our immense thankfulness to Monika Lehnhardt, Anastasiia Flanagan, Dmitry Zayika, the families Batyr, Vakar and Ivanyshynets and all the people and organizations that supported us with money and with their hearts, and made it possible for the most important thing to happen – NOW YEGOR CAN HEAR THE WORLD!

We thank you and we wish you and your dearest ones good health and happiness.[:ru]Egor Poltorakin 4с г. Бердичева, Житомирской области. Четыре года назад у насне было большего счастья когда родился наш долгожданный сыночек – Єгорчик. Наш ребенок развивался с детства хорошо, набирала вес нужный и рост, вовремя держал голову, в 1 год начал ходить, в 1,5 года Єгорчик мало говорил, но четко «мама», «ам», «иди»…, но в 2 года мы обратили внимание на отсутствие у сына реакции на звуки. Обратились к Лоринститут, где прошли обследование на аудиограмме и на компьютере, где нам говори, что слух в пределах нормы , предполагали речевую задержку и посоветовали обратиться к логопеду.

Приехав домой на следующий день мы пошли к логопеду, там нам посоветовали ходить в садик, для того, чтобы ребенок контактируя с детьми быстрее овладела языком. Но мы не видели утешительного результата от садика и решили еще раз обследоваться на слух. И только после тщательного обследования всех процедур и, наконец, был поставлен неутешительный диагноз: нарушение слуха – двусторонняя нейросенсорная глухота 4 степени и задержка речи. Эта проблема интенсивно ухудшается каждый день.

Egor Poltorakin 5Єгорчик ходил с 2-х лет в общий детский сад , проявлял себя любознательным и успешным ребенком, прекрасно ладит со сверстниками, а учителя восхищались его целеустремленностью, но наш сад не подходит. На сегодня мы заниматься в центрах для глухих и слабослышащих детей. Мы носили слуховые аппараты, но они нам не помогали , единственное спасение – это кохлеарная имплантация, ведь слух с очень большой потерей , ребенок не слышит нормально, поэтому не может ничего сказать, единственное наше спасение – это операция на установление кохлеаного имплантанту, время проходит но так как ему было 3,9 года, а лучшее и эффективное время 2-4 года. Мы стали на очередь на операцию (на сегодняшний день мы 82 в очереди) в Лоринституте, где обеспечивают детей кохлеарными имплантантами за бюджетные средства, но на данный момент нет в Лоринституте имплантантов и не производится их финансирование. Мы обратились в компанию, которая занимается продажей имплантантов в Украине, на сегодня он стоит 609 тысяч грн., к большому сожалению мы не имеем возможности закупить такой имплантант самостоятельно, также обращаемся в Украинские благотворительные фонды, организации, где только нам сочувствуют. Также в Министерство здравоохранения обратились с просьбой обеспечить детей кохлеарными имплантатами за бюджетные средства, где нам ответили, что действует программа на кохлеарную имплантации, есть такой закон, но все зависит от финансирования, которое не проводится, поэтому они не имеют возможности закупить их и не известно когда это будет финансирование. У нас каждый день был важным.Egor Poltorakin 2

Мы решили собирать средства самостоятельно, не знали куда обратиться за помощью нам, ведь каждые родители мечтают, чтобы их ребенок жил полноценной жизнью и слышала нежный голос своей мамы и говорил. Но мир не без добрых людей, семья Батыр, родители ребенка с такими же проблемами, как и у нас посоветовали нам обратиться к Анастасии , которая является представителем Фонда Кохлеар и переводчиком Моники Ленхард , она посоветовала обратиться к Фонд им. Эрнста Ленхардта, который помогает украинским детям услышать этот мир и учиться говорить, где нам сразу пошла на встречу Моника Ленхард.

Нам объяснили, что действует благотворительная программа от фонда и предложили нам процессор Кохлеар Фридом, бесплатно!!! Кроме того нас не только материально, но и морально поддерживали объясняли, что не все так плохо, если вовремя сделать кохлеарную имплантацию и заниматься с ребенком мы имеем большие шансы, что наш сыночек будет слышать и еще и красиво говорить. Этот благотворительный проект, который реализуется на Украине при поддержке компании Кохлеар и благотворителей – частных лиц подарил нам процессор и дал возможность купить по выгодной цене кохлеарный имплантат и Анастасией передали прямо в руки нашему врачу-хирургу Борисенко Олегу Николаевичу, который сделал Егору операцию -вживление кохлеарного имплантанта 11.11.2015 г.

Egor Poltorakin 1Через месяц после операции нам команда Моники Ленхард передала в «ВАБОС» г. Киев, вул. М. Берлинского, 9 – организацию, которая подключила подаренный процессор Кохлеар Фридом Егору 07 ноября 2015 года при поддержке представителя фирмы Заики Дмитрия.

В этот момент когда услышал сын звуки был такой удивлен, он не понимал, что происходит. Сегодня мы носим процессор 3 день, у меня такая радость, когда Єгорчик подбегает ко мне поправить спавшу катушку с магнитом, прося глазками МАМА Я ХОЧУ СЛЫШАТЬ МИР!!! Вся наша семья Полторакиных чрезвычайно благодарна Монике Ленхард, Анастасии , Дмитрию Заики, семьям Батырь, Вакарь, Иванишинець и всем неравнодушным людям и организациям, которые помогали и поддерживали нас как материально , так морально и предоставилии самое важное – ЄГОРЧИКУ УСЛЫШАТЬ МИР! Спасибо Вам и Вашим близким желаем Вам крепкого здоровья и счастья!!![:en]Egor Poltorakin 4

and we live in Berdychiv in the Zhytomyr region. Four years ago we couldn’t be happier when our long-expected son, little Yegor, was born.

From infancy our son developed fast, gained in height and weight, learned to hold his head, and with one year of age he was already walking. At 1.5 years old Yegor spoke few but distinct words: ‘mama’, ‘am’, ‘come’.

But when our son was two, we suddenly noticed he did not respond to sound. In the ENT Institute in Kiev we had an audiogram made and were given a computer examination. We were told that his hearing was within the normal range, that it must be speech delay that a speech therapist should help with. Back home the very next day, we saw the expert, who advised that we send our son to nursery to give him more exposure to speech. However, as we saw no progress from that, we decided to go for diagnostics once again. And only then, after a thorough examination, we were given the sad news that Yegor suffered from bilateral sensorineural deafness and speech delay. Every passing day only made the problem worse.

From the age of two Yegor visited a general kindergarten, where he behaved like the inquisitive and intelligent boy that heEgor Poltorakin 5 was; getting along well with other children and impressing teachers with his determination. However, soon we changed from this kindergarten to one for hard of hearing and deaf children. We used hearing aids, but they were of very little help. Our only hope lay in cochlear implantation – without it, Yegor could not hear, and so would never learn to speak. However, time was running short, as Yegor was already almost four years old, and the best age for CI is between 2 and 4. We promptly applied for the state cochlear implantation program, and were put into the waiting queue under number 82. Unluckily for us, the program had run out of implants, and state funding had been stopped. We asked distributor companies for a quotation on the implant system, and the bill came to UAH 609000. Unfortunately, we didn’t have the money, so we turned to charities, but the only thing they could do was commiserate. We also applied to the Ministry of Healthcare, where we were told that the program was still running de jure, but in fact there was no financial backing to it, and it was unclear when more implants would be available.

Egor Poltorakin 2

We went about collecting money, all the time dreaming, like all parents do, of a full life for our son where he could hear the tender voice of his mother and learn to talk. But there is still much goodness in the world: the family Batyr, parents of a little girl with a condition like Yegor’s, gave us the contact details of Anastasiia Flanagan, who is a Consultant for Cochlear and translator for Dr. Monika Lehnhardt. She advised that we turn to the Ernst Lehnhardt Foundation, and Director Monika Lehnhardt immediately set out to help us.

We were told that the Foundation was running a charity program – and we were offered a Cochlear Freedom sound processor for free!!! Apart from this support, they gave us a lot of help psychologically by explaining that it wasn’t so bad, that if we got a CI on time and had therapy with our son, he would learn to hear and also speak well. This charity project, which is implemented by the Foundation with support from Cochlear and private donations, gave us the free processor and enabled us to buy a cochlear implant at a discounted price. Anastasiia transferred it directly into the hands of surgeon Dr., Prof. Oleg Borysenko, who then performed the surgery – implantation of a cochlear implant – on November 11th 2015.

In another month, the team of Monika Lehnhardt, supported by Dmitry Zayika, sent our sound processor to the office of the company VABOS in Kyiv, Berlinskoho Str. 9. On December 7th Yegor had his switch-on!Egor Poltorakin 1

Our son was so surprised in that first instant that he heard sound! He couldn’t understand what was happening. Today is the third day we are wearing our processor, and I am overwhelmed with joy when Yegor runs up to me asking to put back the coil that had fallen off the implant, pleading with his eyes ‘Mommy, I want to hear the world!’

All the Poltorakin family would like to express our immense thankfulness to Monika Lehnhardt, Anastasiia Flanagan, Dmitry Zayika, the families Batyr, Vakar and Ivanyshynets and all the people and organizations that supported us with money and with their hearts, and made it possible for the most important thing to happen – NOW YEGOR CAN HEAR THE WORLD!

We thank you and we wish you and your dearest ones good health and happiness.[:]

Markosyan StellaMarkosyan Stella

Narrated by Lilit Mkrtchyan, Stella´s Mom.

Markosyan Stella naushniknerov_picmonkeyedHello, my name is Lilit Mkrtchyan, I am Stella’s Mom. I live with my family in Yerevan, Armenia. I have three daughters, Stella is one of the twins. She was born on the 28th of September, 2005 with normal hearing capacity. I felt myself the happiest mother in the world with my 3 daughters and thought that nothing could prevent my happiness as the most important thing in the world is health.
In August, 2008, Stella got ill, she was diagnosed neurotoxicity. The medicine she took for recovering had side effects. After a long way of recovery she started not to react on noises anymore. We took her for other examinations in Arabkir and Erebouni Clinics in Armenia. A disaster after all when she was diagnosed 4th grade sensorineural hearing loss. I couldn’t believe that my lovely daughter became deaf.


Sirvard MelkonyanSirvard Melkonyan

sirvard Melkonyan Narrated by Armineh Gevorgyan, Sirvard´s Mom

Hello, my name is Armineh Gevorgyan, I am Sirvard Melkonyan’s Mom. We live in Echmiadzin, Armenia.
Sirvard was born on the 13th of April, 2002. When she was 7 months old we noticed that she did not react to noises at all. It was a real shock for our family and we suffered a lot because of the fact that she could be totally deaf. We took her to Erebouni Medical Center and after a long examination we were given the diagnosis, 4th grade sensorineural hearing loss.
There was a solution for our little lovely daughter to overcome her hearing impairment, but unfortunately a very expensive one, a Cochlear Implantation.


Sergey HarutyunyanSergey Harutyunyan

Narrated by Vadruhi Hovsepyan, Sergey´s mother

Sergey HarutyunyanHello, I am Varduhi Hovsepyan, Sergey Harutyunyan’s mother.
Sergey was born quite healthy, but the basic vaccinations were done not at the right time. Before receiving the last diphtheria vaccine the child had flue, but the doctor did not pay attention and did the vaccination. As a result Sergey’s condition got worse after that. He recovered, but his immune system was very weak and he got permanently ill with flue, which was followed by having a cough.
When he was nine months old he had hard flue and was terribly coughing. He was injected with antibiotic gentamicin, but the dosage was too high for him and as a side effect he suffered from sensorineural hearing loss until it reached 4th grade.
Finally, at the age of five he was cochlear implanted as the only solution to regain hearing. We would have done the implantation much earlier, but the problem, of course, was the financing. Only at this age we managed to find a donor with the help of Erebouni Medical Center in Yerevan, Armenia.


Liza TeqnejyanLiza Teqnejyan

Narrated by Vadruhi, Liza´s Mom

Liza TeqnejyanHello, my name is Varduhi, I am Liza’s Mom. We live in Nor Hachn Town in Armenia. I am quite excited to write Liza’s story as we met many obstacles on our way to huge success.
Liza is my second child, she has an elder brother who is normally hearing. When Liza was an one year old child we noticed that she didn’t react to noises at all. We took her to Arabkir Paediatric Medical Center where she was diagnosed 4th grade of sensorineural hearing loss. It was a real shock to our family. At that moment we were ready to do everything for our baby girl. We were advised to go to Erebouni Medical Center where we found out about Cochlear implantations. When we were told about the huge amount of money needed for her salvation, first thing that came to our mind was to sell our nice apartment in Yerevan, the capital city of Armenia, and pay for the Cochlear implantation. We decided not to wait for years until we find a donor for Liza as we were clearly explained about the risks and that her chances of learning to hear and speak could be lost during the time.


Heghine OhanyanHeghine Ohanyan

Narrated by Heghine Ohanyan

Heghine Ohanyan Hello, my name is Heghine Ohanyan. I was born on the 13th of April in 2004 in the city of Krasnoyarsk, Russia. I had a serious problem, because I was diagnosed 4th grade sensorineural deafness.

I was implanted at the age of 4 in Krasnoyarsk. After the surgery my Mom left me and my Dad. My father took me to Armenia to live with my Granny, whose name, by the way, is also Heghine Ohanyan. Now we live in the town of Vanadzor, in Armenia. I consider her to be my real Mom. She made every effort to give me all the very best in this world. Today, I should thank only her to become a normally hearing child. But I also can’t forget Inessa Harutyunyan, my speech therapist, who taught me to pronounce letters, words, then sentences.

With the help of my Cochlear implant I was able to hear and live as a normal child. I went to the kindergarden. After that I went to a mainstream school. I learn well, get good marks. I love reading and even got several honorary diplomas for great reading at school. In addition to the school I also attend painting lessons which I really enjoy.
