Narrated by Vadruhi Hovsepyan, Sergey´s mother
Hello, I am Varduhi Hovsepyan, Sergey Harutyunyan’s mother.
Sergey was born quite healthy, but the basic vaccinations were done not at the right time. Before receiving the last diphtheria vaccine the child had flue, but the doctor did not pay attention and did the vaccination. As a result Sergey’s condition got worse after that. He recovered, but his immune system was very weak and he got permanently ill with flue, which was followed by having a cough.
When he was nine months old he had hard flue and was terribly coughing. He was injected with antibiotic gentamicin, but the dosage was too high for him and as a side effect he suffered from sensorineural hearing loss until it reached 4th grade.
Finally, at the age of five he was cochlear implanted as the only solution to regain hearing. We would have done the implantation much earlier, but the problem, of course, was the financing. Only at this age we managed to find a donor with the help of Erebouni Medical Center in Yerevan, Armenia.